
Durban city

, the city of Durban as a major port of South Africa on the Indian Ocean, with a population of three million people, and the third largest city in South Africa, is experiencing cultural diversity between the cultures of "Zulu", English and Hindi.

Durban is a destination of choice for South Africans for its beaches full of palm trees, along with food, which is characterized by diverse region and its suburbs, also faces a moderate year-round warm water make them kiss of choice for domestic tourism in South Africa.

cape town

Cape Town is the opinion of the writer subject stains the most important and brighter in every trip to South Africa's natural beauty is there making it one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the most attractive at all.
Cape Town boasts the presence of beautiful beaches and the presence of Table Mountain or the so-called Baltebl Mountain Table Mountain in the heart of the city.
In Cape Town you will also find the best international restaurants.
Cape Town is also one of the most cities in Africa in terms of the multiplicity of cultures and races with homogeneity rarely found in other countries


south africa Rainbow country

No more than South African, for many, only the area (Safari) to fester in the islands of the Black Tigers, and frequented by adventurers in pursuit of elephants, deer hunt, which is the most pride from the old image of the country known as one of the worst areas of racial discrimination in the world. And between the two pictures, ancient and modern, there are other Frills frightening to the streets, and children hungry, and people living with HIV (AIDS).

The main cities of Johannesburg
You are a citizen of the most famous search for African gold mines in the world, so the city dubbed as the "Aijuly" and it means the land of gold. Johannesburg is currently the most important cultural centers in South Africa, as well as its largest city by area and the most densely populated. Advantage of this city, the beauty of nature, families and faces moderate throughout the year. Johannesburg does not limit any mountains or hills or so until the coast is blessed with full of visitors enjoying the freedom and the starting center of her world and featured spacious infinity. Johannesburg also includes a large number of monuments and historical museums and the most important caves Sterkfontain effects of Soweto and the Apartheid Museum. The city had a large turnout as well as the shopping lovers as they contain a lot of shops and malls World Deals

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